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Heimtextil 2025 Recap: Trends & Insights
Earlier this month, we attended the Heimtextil trade fair in Germany, one of the key events for home and contract textiles. Since Ellie’s mission is to inspire our ecosystem, we

Just In: Textiles and Footwear likely priorities in ESPR’s Sustainable Product Design Framework
The European Commission is advancing its efforts toward a more sustainable future, with textiles and footwear emerging as leading candidates for prioritization under the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). This insight comes

Webinar 21.11: How Can Ellie Help You on Your Sustainability Journey?
Are you ready to take your sustainability efforts to the next level? Ellie Connect is here to support you in navigating the complex landscape of sustainable business practices. We invite

Ellie’s Breakfast Event at Vandewiele: An Inspiring Start to the CSRD Journey
On October 4th, Ellie Connect hosted another successful Breakfast Event, at Vandewiele, a Belgian textile machine manufacturer and global market leader in the design and manufacturing of high-tech machines and

4 Okt: Ontdek hoe je succesvol van start gaat met CSRD in de textielsector tijdens Ellie’s Breakfast!
Op 4 oktober nodigen we je uit voor een inspirerende ochtendsessie tijdens Ellie’s Breakfast, waar we in een selecte groep de belangrijkste uitdagingen en kansen rond de CSRD in de